Sweden is known worldwide for its high level of medical care. According to a report by the World Health Organization, Sweden is ranked 23rd in the world ranking of countries for the functionality and development of health systems.

Insurance in Sweden for foreigners
To enter Sweden, you need to get a Schengen visa, which cannot be obtained without an insurance policy. The document is attached to the application to confirm their solvency in paying for medical expenses abroad.
Only the holders of diplomatic passports, applicants for airport transit visas, and close relatives of EU citizens are not required to have insurance.
Basic requirements for a tourist policy
Every applicant for a visa to Sweden must present medical insurance, which covers all the costs of urgent medical care, emergency hospitalization, and posthumous repatriation. The minimum coverage is EUR 30,000. Insurance for a Schengen visa must be valid in all countries participating in the agreement and cover the entire period of stay abroad.
What does the policy cover?
- Outpatient and inpatient treatment.
- Urgent dental care.
- Communication costs with the Service Company or the Insurer.
- Transportation to a medical facility.
- Return to your home country in case of missing your flight due to illness.
- Body repatriation.
The complete list of insured events depends on the chosen program and is indicated in the contract.
What is not covered by the insurance?
When making a contract, carefully read the Insurance Rules. The case is not considered insured if the illness or injury was obtained as a result of drug or alcohol intoxication. Payment may also be refused if health has been damaged as a result of self-medication.
What risks can be additionally insured
At the request of the insured person, the contract includes the following options:
- active recreation and sports;
- refusal to travel (due to the circumstances specified in the contract);
- civil liability to third parties;
- luggage insurance;
- property insurance;
- accident
Health insurance in Sweden
Health insurance is divided into the public and private sectors. Swedish State Health Insurance Program Medical care in Sweden is provided on a free or subsidized basis to all persons permanently (more than 1 year) residing in the country.
To gain access to the National Health System, you must:
- Obtain a residence permit in Sweden;
- Obtain a TIN (personnummer) certificate from the local Swedish tax office (Skatterverket);
- Apply for registration with the national health system at the nearest social security office.
The Swedish public health insurance program covers expenses related to:
- Hospitalization;
- Outpatient treatment;
- Purchase of prescription drugs;
- Dental care (under the age of 20); Preventive medical services (routine medical examinations);
- Specialized medical services for people with disabilities;
- Rehabilitation;
- Home patient care;
- Transportation of the patient to a medical facility.
The Swedish national health system is funded by taxes paid to local government budgets at the county and municipal levels. Sweden invests about 9% of its GDP in healthcare annually.
Due to the high quality of health services provided by the Swedish public health system, only a small part of the country’s population (about 10%) additionally take out a private health insurance policy. Citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area, and those with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) also have access to the Swedish national health system. They are entitled to the same benefits as Swedish citizens, according to mutual agreements in the field of health care. For more information on the EHIC health insurance system, see the article at the link.
Private health insurance programs in Sweden
To apply for a private health insurance policy, you must apply to the selected insurance company with a corresponding application. Some of the most popular international health insurance companies for foreigners include:
- World nomads
- United Healthcare
- Global Cigna
- International Health insurance
Depending on the chosen insurance program, the level of insurance coverage, and the insurer, the cost of a private health insurance policy varies significantly.
On average, the annual cost of private insurance per person is up to SEK 4000-5000.
A referral from a general practitioner is required to see a specialist under a government health insurance program. At the same time, the waiting time for an appointment can be quite long – up to 90 days. You can visit a private practitioner at any convenient time without a referral from a therapist. There is an online service called Swedish.org that can help you find the right doctor.
Pregnancy and childbirth in Sweden The costs of pregnancy and childbirth are fully covered by the national health insurance program. Some private health insurance programs may also cover these costs.
Children’s health care in Sweden
All children in Sweden have access to free health care under the state health insurance scheme. Eyesight examinations, immunizations, medical examinations, dental examinations, and treatment are carried out on a regular basis. Depending on the region of residence, the age before reaching which medical care is provided free of charge is 20-25 years.
Alternative medicine in Sweden
Alternative therapies are not covered by the Swedish national health insurance scheme. Also, there are no legislative acts regulating the activities of specialists in the field of alternative medicine. In this regard, when choosing a therapist, you should read the reviews and recommendations.