Poland is a dynamically developing EU member with a high standard of living and a loyal fiscal system. These make Poland an attractive country for investing and opening a business. However today, it is problematic for many entrepreneurs to start a business from the very beginning. The reason for this is the global crisis and high competition in the market. Therefore, the purchase of a ready-made company in Poland is becoming more popular among foreigners.

The cheapest option for starting a business in Poland is registering a company. Nonetheless, this procedure demands a lot of time and effort. Therefore, if you want to open a business in Poland in a short time, it will be more convenient to buy a ready-made company, thereby saving yourself from unnecessary bureaucratic procedures. So, purchasing a ready-made company in Poland means making a profit today.
What is a ready-made company?
A ready-made company is a company with a full set of documents required for further activities. The package of documents consists of all the papers that the company has after registration, including the charter registered with the relevant authorities.
When buying a ready-made LLC, the buyer is also given documents that confirm the legal address of the company, an agreement on opening a bank account, a document confirming the registration of a VAT payer, and other corporate documents.
How to buy a ready-made company in Poland?
You can acquire a ready-made company in Poland in just one day. It will require from you:
- choose which company you want to acquire;
- issue documents with a notary;
- buy company shares,
- appoint a director of the firm.
When all documents are completed by a notary and access to the bank account is accomplished, the company is ready to work and may start its functioning.
What will you receive after buying a ready-made company in Poland?
By purchasing a ready-made company, you get the following basic set of documents and services:
- A complete package of documents that approves registration with the necessary state bodies and registers (extract from KRS, ZUS, NIP, REGON, VAT).
- the cost of the company includes the costs of re-registration and amendments to the charter (the composition of founders, name of the company and its legal address, types of activities, size of the authorized capital, etc.);
- the cost of the company includes the organization of accounting support, obtaining a legal address, and opening a current account.
After purchasing a company, you receive an invoice for the total amount of services provided, which can be attributed to the current expenses of your new company and reduce the total income tax and VAT.
What companies can you buy?
A newly registered LLC (Sp.z.o.o.) with no business history. Often, these are companies that have been registered 3 or more months ago.
Already existing ready-made companies (from several months to 10 years). The history of activity increases the credibility of banking institutions (the issue of obtaining loans), government agencies, and European partners.
Authorized capital
For an ordinary Limited Liability Company (Sp.z.o.o) – the minimum amount is 5000 PLN (about 1100 Euro)
for companies with a transport license (international transportation of goods and passengers) – from 15 to 30,000 PLN
The amount of the authorized capital is paid by the founder to the account upon completion of the transaction.
What else do you need to know
If you want to be sure that the company is ready to buy, and you decide that you will acquire it, before you have made financial payments and transactions and do not have any obligations to the sellers, we advise you to contact the company that is engaged in audit and will be able to check all the flowing and flowing characteristics of your future company. Then you will have confidence in the rightness of the purchase, and there will be no surprises after the purchase of the company.