Many people want to move to Russia today. International experts admit that Russian immigration laws are quite perfect. At the same time, they often remember that they are at the same time hard to understand by a person who is not privy to their subtleties and nuances. Russia today is experiencing an entrance of migrants from various countries. The aggravation of the foreign policy situation plays a significant role in increasing the number of foreigners who move to the Russian Federation.

Emigrating to a new place of residence demands thorough preparation. It is necessary to organize the move itself, also collect an extensive package of documents, and find work, and housing. A migrant can open his own business in Russia if he meets certain criteria. The most important criteria are the presence of a temporary residence permit and a residence permit.
Immigration to Russia: the main methods
Immigration to Russia has national, political, economic, and family reasons. Depending on the motive that prompted a foreign citizen to leave his homeland and move to Russia, the conditions for obtaining the status of a temporary or permanent resident of the Russian Federation will differ significantly.
There are several main reasons why a foreigner can legally settle for a long time in Russia:
- Moving to close relatives;
- Employment and doing business in Russia;
- Training in a Russian educational institution;
- Marriage with a Russian citizen;
- Immigration for scientists, artists, and other artists;
- Employment of highly qualified specialists in professions in demand in Russia;
- Immigration with refugee status.
How to open a business in Russia for a foreigner
It seems that it is more difficult for foreigners to open a business in Russia than for local ones: a foreign country, confusion of laws, bureaucracy. In reality, a foreign citizen can register a business within a few days if he follows the law and complies with the registration procedure.
How to open a business in Russia for a foreigner: rights, obligations, and restrictions
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights and obligations as Russian citizens. There are some restrictions, but they do not apply to registering and doing business in Russia. To register with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur, a foreigner must legally stay in Russia: have a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit.
How to open an individual entrepreneur to a non-resident of the Russian Federation: necessary documents and procedures
Foreign citizens can create a business in both ways with a temporary residence permit and a residence permit. Also, entrepreneurs must have special permits and licenses. So, it will not be possible to trade in alcohol and produce it (except for beer), open a pawn shop, or take up insurance. The registration procedure is the same as for citizens of the Russian Federation. The only difference is in the number of required documents.
Documents for registering a foreign citizen as an individual entrepreneur:
- Application for state registration, form No. Р21001. To be completed only in Russian;
- A photocopy of the passport with a notarized translation into Russian or another identity document: ID card, DNI, service passport;
- A photocopy of the birth certificate with a notarized translation. If the passport does not contain information about the date and place of birth. Instead of a birth certificate, there may be another document that confirms the date and place of birth of a foreign citizen or stateless person;
- A photocopy of the temporary residence permit stamp in the passport or on a separate sheet or a photocopy of the residence permit (a separate document);
- A photocopy of a document (or passport page) confirming the applicant’s registration in Russia;
- Receipt for payment of the state duty 9 euros (not charged when submitting an electronic application).
Important aspects:
To register a foreign citizen as an individual entrepreneur, a work permit or patent is not required. Since doing business is not equated to work. In addition to copies of documents, you must have the originals with you. They will not be taken to the tax office, but they may be asked to verify the data.
You can submit documents for the registration of an individual entrepreneur:
- In-person at the tax office at the place of registration;
- By registered mail with a list of attachments;
- Through a registration assistance company.
Registration of an individual entrepreneur takes three working days. After this time, the applicant receives a notice of registration of the individual entrepreneur (if documents were submitted through the State Services, receive it in electronic form) or a refusal to register.
Common reasons for refusal:
- Incomplete package of documents;
- Mistakes when filling out the application;
- The documents that are submitted to the department of the Federal Tax Service that does not correspond to the applicant’s registration address;
- The temporary residence permit expires in less than 6 months.
Also, Article 22.1 of Law 129-FZ contains some restrictions for citizens who cannot do business in the Russian Federation. If one of them is revealed when checking documents, the applicant will also receive a refusal:
- The applicant went through bankruptcy proceedings less than a year ago and was recognized as a debtor;
- The applicant is judicially deprived of the right to conduct business;
- Criminal past and present. An exception is those who have undergone special rehabilitation;
If the individual entrepreneur’s registration is denied, the fee will not be returned, and the procedure will have to be repeated.