Italy is the world’s economic development country in Europe, with strategic industries such as machinery and automation, fashion, and design. Italy offers a high standard of living to citizens.
That’s why foreign business persons around the world would like to open a company in the capital of Italy – Rome. Business in Rome means guaranteed high profitability and stable income. To open a company in Rome, you need a domicile.

What is domicile?
Domicil is the place where a person has placed the main center of their interests or business in Rome. Residing under Italian law is essential for defining and regulating a person’s legal relationship with the territory.
Due to the consequences that the law associates with the identification of a person in the territory, each person has one common place of residence.
There are people who, due to study, work, or other reasons, are forced to move frequently and do not have a permanent place of residence in any municipality in Italy. These persons are registered in the municipality: in which they choose their place of residence, that is, in which they determine the main place of their activities and interests, where their family lives, or, finally, where it is easier for them to establish their contact details.
If a person does not indicate any of the above places as his permanent Italian place of residence, then the municipality of birth is mentioned.
Establish a residence in Rome
There are two conditions to obtain permanent residence in Italy
- determine the place of residence at a specific address;
- intend to establish in this location the main and exclusive headquarters of their business and interests.
There can be different types of domicile, voluntary domicile, legal domicile, common domicile, and special domicile:
Voluntary domicile
This is the usual place of residence, which is the result of the will of the person who establishes it in the ways indicated above;
Legal domicile
This is a place of residence directly established by law for certain persons, as in the case of incapacitated persons;
General domicile
This is the place where the organization usually establishes the main and exclusive headquarters of its interests and business. Due to its generality and requirements of the law, it is unique.
Common domicile
This is where an organization locates a particular business or operates; it may be in the interests of the subject or because it is required by law.
Special domicile
In the case of a special place of residence, they say that the subject chooses a place of residence: then we are talking about an optional place of residence. An individual can have several special domiciliations following his business in Rome. The choice of residence must be made in writing to have the consequences required by law.
Consequences of permanent residence
The main consequences determined by the law concerning the place of residence are that it defines and identifies exclusively:
- place of opening of protection;
- a place where continuity opens;
- the place where the entrepreneur was declared bankrupt.
The place of residence determines and identifies, together with the place of residence:
- the territorial jurisdiction of the judiciary;
- the place where certain documents are to be served.
Digital home
To facilitate communication between government administrations and citizens in Rome, each resident has the right to provide the government administration with their certified email address as their digital home.
This email address will be entered on the Italian National Permanent Population Register (ANPR) and will be available to all government administrations and government officials or operators.
Starting from January 1, 2013, except for cases when the current legislation provides for a different method of communication, state administrations and heads of public services communicate with citizens exclusively through their declared digital domicile.
Based on recent regulatory changes, it is expected that the state will use a single document, that is, a document that will replace the identity card, health care card, and tax code in Rome.
The most recent Tariff Regulation stipulates that at the time of request for a single document or during registration or declaration of change of residence, it is assigned to a certified mailbox with the function of a digital home in Rome.