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According to the agency’s experts, many analysts have recently not taken into account the determining factors in the rating of the most developed African countries. The reason for this is the peculiarity of Africa, so it would be wrong to use the same criteria for ranking countries that apply to countries in Europe, Asia, and America.

So the UN Development Program uses the Human Development Index (HDI) to rank countries, which is quantified by indicators of health care, education, and life expectancy.

The World Bank Group annually publishes country rankings by GDP and the Doing Business Index, which measures GDP per capita and ease of doing business.

In the African continent, all of the above criteria must be agreed upon to make a reliable ranking. Based on this approach, the publication presented the top 10 most developed countries in Africa in 2020. Countries are noted that have made significant progress in human growth, infrastructure development, and the creation of an enabling environment for entrepreneurship.


Seychelles is developing its economy through tourism and has managed to maintain significant growth over the past decade. However, experts say the country needs to reduce its dependence on tourism and explore other business and investment opportunities.

World Ranking: 62.

Life expectancy: 73.7

GDP: $ 1.486 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 26,077


Mauritius has managed to significantly improve and stabilize its economy since gaining independence in 1968. However, reducing income inequality remains one of the most important challenges facing the country.

World Ranking: 66.

Life expectancy: 74.9

GDP: $ 12.34 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 20189


Algeria has been successful in reducing poverty in the country by 20% over the past 20 years. Algeria boasts a vibrant economy that is reflected in the living standards of its citizens and the country’s infrastructure. However, the fall in oil prices has led to a decrease in the country’s foreign exchange reserves, as it is highly dependent on the export of crude oil.

Global Ranking: 85.

Life expectancy: 76.3


Despite a very turbulent history, Tunisia has gradually turned into a country with a developing and stable economy. Tunisia’s economy relies on tourism, agriculture, and exports. However, poverty remains a serious threat to the country’s development.

Global Rank: 95

Life expectancy: 75.9

GDP: $ 75.9 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 10,275


Botswana’s economy has grown at an average annual rate of 5% over the past decade. The country’s economy relies on mining, construction, and services. However, one of the obstacles to the country’s development is poverty and unemployment.

Global Rank: 101

Life expectancy: 67.6

GDP: $ 67.6 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 15,534


Over the past decade, the country has undertaken 52 reforms that have resulted in significant improvements in human and capital development. However, many critics continue to accuse the government of President Paul Kagame of human rights violations and harassment of the press and opposition.

Global Ranking: 106.

Life expectancy: 67.1

GDP: $ 9.14 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 1990


Gabon has made significant strides over the past decade. It is the fifth-largest oil producer in Africa and has one of the highest urbanization rates on the African continent. However, declining oil prices threaten the country’s foreign exchange reserves, as the country remains heavily dependent on oil exports.

Global Ranking: 110.

Life expectancy: 66.5

GDP: $ 14.62 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 16,431

The South African Republic

South Africa has a highly developed economy and developed infrastructure. It is an important player on the African continent. The country is one of the world’s largest exporters of gold and platinum. However, development has now slowed down and the level of inequality in the country is one of the highest in the world.

World Ranking: 113.

Life expectancy: 63.4

GDP: $ 349.4 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 11,923


Egypt improved its economic performance GDP has been growing by 5.3% in six years. However, the country continues to struggle with a weak health care system and unemployment.

Global Ranking: 114.

Life expectancy: 71.7

GDP: $ 235.4 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 10,355


Morocco’s economy is stable and multifaceted. Over the past decade, the country has experienced growth in various industries. However, the country is facing several internal problems, the main one being the lack of jobs for the younger generation.

Global Ranking: 123.

Life expectancy: 76.1

GDP: $ 109.1 billion

Gross National Income Per Capita: $ 7,340

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