All business people know that it is one thing to open your own business in your own country, and quite another to enter the world market. There are more prospects there than on the domestic one. Therefore, those who have enough start-up capital are trying to organize a company abroad.
One of the most popular countries for our businessmen in Israel. It is a small but very promising country, where the GDP is growing every year. Therefore, it is considered a very profitable investment of money – to open a company in this country. How to start a business in Israel? It is not so difficult, the main thing is to know the sequence of actions and collect all the necessary documentation.

How to open your own business in Israel
Opening a business in Israel is the next step, the expansion of an enterprise already promoted in your country. Before entering the international market, you need to carefully study the situation, calculate each step so as not to lose:
- You need to assess the market and its need for your goods or services;
- Determine the place. In this case, a location is chosen that will provide your business with clients;
- It is necessary to estimate how much this project will cost and how much it will pay for itself;
- Create a business plan.
If, after the calculations, you find yourself in the red, then it is better not to open such a business. It will be more profitable to buy an existing one that is profitable. If during the calculations, it turns out that the business will pay for itself within several years, then you need to open an enterprise without hesitation.
After that, you need to start the opening process itself, for this you need
- Written confirmation that all business owners agree with the opening of the company.
- The company must be registered in the name of a person who is an Israeli citizen or has relatives there. He will represent your company and sign all documents. It can be made not by the owner, but by the authorized representative of the company.
- If the owner does not have Israeli citizenship, a copy of the passport is added to the standard package of documents.
- All documents are translated into Hebrew and notarized.
- After that, all documents are sent to the “Registrar of Companies” where they are processed and you receive an answer.
- After all this, your business is open, you need to pay for registration and open a company bank account.
- After opening, you have the right to recruit people. In addition, you are obliged to pay all necessary taxes.
The very process of opening a company is not long, on average it takes about a month. The main thing is to choose a reliable legal office that knows all the nuances and will help you do everything as quickly and legally as possible.
Options for a company to go abroad
For promotion abroad, entrepreneurs can use a convenient tool – the Internet. To build relationships with customers and target audience (potential buyers), you can create your website. Another option is to use ready-made applications like The service allows you to record and analyze data about potential consumers, issue invoices to customers, and conduct marketing campaigns.
The national media will always help to keep abreast of the economic situation in the country. A lot of foreign publications are present in the media space of the Global Network.
The optimal options for exporting products are developed by taking into account the legislation of the countries. Some of them impose business restrictions on foreigners. So, for entrepreneurial activity in Israel, a merchant must have a founder or a trustee, who are citizens of the country. They represent the interests of the company and act on its behalf.