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Peru is one of the largest states in South America with its capital in Lima and the “new salt” currency. The president is the head of the country and the government. More than 30 million people live in the republic.

Peru is divided into 295 administrative units – provinces.

The official language is Spanish. At the same time, some representatives of the descendants of the Maya Indians continue to speak Quechua and Aymara – ancient languages, to some extent modified.

The country’s economy is developing based on exports of copper, gold, zinc, and textiles. Among the main areas of investment in the mining industry. Nothing hinders the export of capital from the country. And this is one of the reasons why it is profitable to do business in Peru.

If you decide to register or buy a company in Peru, study the following useful information.

Forms of doing business in Peru

You can register a company in Peru in the form of a limited liability company:

Commercial company (like the LLC we know);


– an ordinary corporation. The maximum number of shareholders is 750 people,

which is an anonymous corporation. The number of shareholders is not limited,

– a closed corporation. The number of shareholders should not exceed 20 people. It is this form of company in Peru that is most popular among foreign entrepreneurs.

Company registration in Peru – basic provisions

To open a company in Peru, you need:

– tourist visa,

– permission to establish a company issued by the government,

– work visa/investor visa.

The minimum size of the share of each participant has not been determined. However, a share of $ 25,000 is required to obtain an investor visa in Peru. And one more important point: at least 80% of Peruvians should be employed at such an enterprise.

It also requires:

– prepare a business plan and submit it to the Directorate of Naturalization and Immigration,

– obtain official permission to legalize the signature of the head (owner) of the company,

– prepare the Charter, as well as other necessary documents, subsequently notarizing them.

Advantages and financial benefits

Peru is a state with an intensively developing economy, so entrepreneurs who decide to open a company on its territory get quite tangible advantages:

  • the use of different currencies at the same time;
  • entry into the market of the Pacific Alliance;
  • the authorities’ interest in foreign investors;
  • creation of favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity;
  • the ability to conduct business remotely;
  • lack of a visa regime in many countries;
  • the minimum number of requirements for founders;
  • tax incentives;
  • low competition;
  • cheap labor;
  • unhindered export of money;
  • the value of Russian higher education of any profile;
  • special programs for specialists in the field of IT technologies and not only.

Small and medium-sized businesses in the republic receive a wide range of indulgences. From a financial point of view, investments in the following sectors of the economy will bring benefits:

  • provision of services;
  • mining;
  • export of minerals;
  • tourism.

Based on the information above, it is safe to say that opening a company in Peru is a serious step forward that will bring impressive profits.

Features of the procedure

For citizens of the Russian Federation and other powers, theoretically, the opening of legal entities will not seem difficult. But in practice, this process is fraught with a lot of pitfalls:

  • obtaining prior permission;
  • draw up and approve a business plan;
  • choose the organizational and legal form;
  • decide on the name and check it in the registry;
  • prepare a package of statutory documentation;
  • to assure papers and not only.

Also, a non-resident will have to fulfill several requirements:

  • select directors and managers;
  • put under all documents the signatures of the company’s lawyer and directors;
  • translate documents;
  • get a paper on compatibility;
  • deposit the authorized capital into the account.

The authorities promise to register the company in a few weeks, but in reality, they take 2-3 months and longer.